Because it's there

A trip to Everest Base camp, it's, it's, an experience that changed me. In many ways it defies words. Every step, every experience, every sight, every sound, every person you meet, every day that you taking in this beautiful, cruel, rugged, tough, enchanting place.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Newari shrines and a beautiful big stupa share the view over Kathmandu. The upside down questionmark like nose between the eyes is actually a Nepali number one, a symbol of unity. There is a pagoda style temple of Hariti. The stupa has prayer wheels along its base. Each wheel has the Om mani padme hum mantra pressed into it. Unfortunately the mantra is difficult to translate into English. Try for some damn good theory behind it. I feel the same way, it summarizes the Buddhist philosophy on life.


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