Chia for our tired legs and soul
Step by step up we go, Make it or not, nobody knows. Just for the record Chai is pronounced more like Chia in Nepal. It is black tea with Yak milk. Nice but if you want spiced tea akin to Chai you must order Massala Chia. That is as close as you'll get. It is subtly spiced and wonderful in its own way. We are also cultivating a serious liking for a hot lemon drink which we consume in large quantities anywhere we sit down. And vegemite, and peanut butter on TOAST. Oooooh. (Alex in the pic) This got so bad that on one occasion we raved on about it (peanut butter on hot toast, might get some now, yummm) all the way to our next guest house that, get this, didn't have ANY. Major disappointment. And all this despite checking with our fantastic guide Ram. But we lived and hiked on... Second thoughts, maybe because of all our ranting Ran called ahead and said whatever you do get rid of the stuff...... But we love him anyway.
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